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Elderly Cat Finds Forever Home and Begins New Chapter

Elderly Cat Finds Forever Home and Begins New Chapter

Tigger the cat, now celebrating his 22nd birthday in style with a bow tie and party hat, delighted in a triple-meat cake alongside his feline companion, Stuart.

Adriene Buisch, a former Baltimore Ravens cheerleader, and her partner Michael Trentadue have dedicated themselves to ensuring that Tigger’s remaining days are filled with joy and comfort.

Tigger relishes snuggling with his mom!

It’s quite astonishing to witness a cat experiencing such longevity, especially one that was forsaken after twenty years of companionship.

In 2014, Tigger was left at a Maryland animal clinic by his previous owner who ultimately never returned for him.

“Gradually, the owner stopped communicating with the hospital,” Buisch shared with TODAY via email. “She would promise to return the next day, then vanish for weeks. Eventually, all communication ceased.”

Tigger had a beach outing as part of his bucket list, and just this past weekend, he celebrated his 22nd birthday.

In early 2015, Buisch and Trentadue learned of Tigger’s plight while searching for a companion for their cat Stuart. Initially considering a kitten, they were deeply moved by Tigger’s story.

“Before we knew it, I was on the phone with the hospital and visiting the very next day,” said Buisch, now 32. “We thought it best to offer an older cat a loving home for whatever time he had left, while also introducing Stuart to a new friend.”

Tigger was in poor condition, with matted fur and a frail body, when the veterinary technician introduced him to Buisch and Trentadue.

“Michael and I immediately decided to take him home,” Buisch recalled.

Tigger, a beloved figure in Baltimore, then received some disheartening news: He was diagnosed with kidney failure, a condition manageable with diet and medication. During a routine grooming session, Trentadue, 40, found a sizable tumor on Tigger’s abdomen. Given his age and kidney issues, surgery was not an option.

“We weren’t sure if we had a month or a year left with him,” Buisch remarked.

Determined to enrich Tigger’s final days, Buisch and Trentadue filled his life with love and adventures. Tigger became a local icon, carried around Baltimore in a sling, capturing hearts globally. Last year, images of his beach walk went viral, leading fans to inundate him with gifts and follow his journey online.

Despite the plethora of gifts, Tigger wasn’t fond of the catnip toys, though he loved the boxes they came in. This past autumn, Buisch and Trentadue organized a photo shoot with pet photographer Heidi Moore Trasatti, who created cardboard sculptures for Tigger—his favorites being a TV set and a throne, with chicken as his preferred treat.

Buisch and Trentadue are uncertain about how much time they have left with Tigger, whose tumor has grown, but who remains in good spirits and health.

This past weekend, they celebrated his 22nd birthday with a special tuna, chicken, and ham cake, which he enjoyed with Stuart, resulting in what Buisch describes as a “purring meat coma.”

Once sated, Tigger was lavished with affection by his devoted parents.

“Having a cat like Tigger, who spent 19 years in a home only to end up in a cage for a year, was heartbreaking,” Buisch explained. “Now, we have the privilege of seeing him relish his final days.”

Happy Birthday, Tigger, from your friends at The Best Cat Page!

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