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Resilient Pittie Seeks Forever Home After Overcoming Adversity and Long Shelter Stay

Resilient Pittie Seeks Forever Home After Overcoming Adversity and Long Shelter Stay

Meet Avery, a three-year-old Pit Bull with a striking split-toned face and a wagging tail, symbols of her enduring spirit despite a tough start in life. Her initial year was marred by abuse, and she has spent the subsequent two years in a shelter, yet her playfulness and positivity remain unshaken.

Escaping a Harmful Home

Avery’s journey to safety began in 2022 when she was rescued from an abusive environment and brought to the no-kill Marion County Humane Society in Knoxville, Iowa. Though details of her past abuse are sparse, the visible marks on her body told a grim tale. Thankfully, the shelter has provided her with the safest environment she’s ever known. Initially frightened, Avery quickly embraced the love and care offered by the shelter staff, learning to trust and love in return.

Struggling in the Shelter

Safe within the shelter’s walls, Avery faces ongoing health challenges, including a low-grade heart murmur requiring medication and routine monitoring. She also suffers from skin allergies and frequent urinary tract infections, which contribute to her medical expenses—around $100 per month. Despite these issues, her caregivers remain hopeful that a stable home environment will alleviate some of her conditions.

In 2023, Avery endured another ordeal when she was attacked by another dog over a treat, a distressing but not uncommon incident in shelters. Recovering from her injuries, Avery has demonstrated that she is not prone to aggression and generally gets along well with other dogs.

Advocating for Avery’s Adoption

Avery’s brief adoption, which ended the same day due to an incompatible situation with a cat, has not dampened her spirits or her suitability as a loving companion. The shelter staff regard the humane society as the most stable home Avery has known, but they are dedicated to finding her a permanent home where she can truly thrive.

Avery enjoys simple pleasures like tug of war, crunching ice cubes, and scavenging for kibble leftovers. She has a lot of love to offer and would be an excellent companion for an individual, couple, or family without cats.

The Marion County Humane Society continues to advocate for Avery, believing in the perfect match that awaits her. Anyone interested in giving Avery the loving home she deserves is encouraged to contact the shelter and learn more about this resilient and loving Pittie.


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