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Remarkable Rescue: Brave Dog Saves Drowning Fawn from Stormy Waters

Remarkable Rescue: Brave Dog Saves Drowning Fawn from Stormy Waters

Who can overlook the charm of a tiny fawn with expressive eyes? While many of us have a soft spot for our pets, our compassion extends to wildlife as well. Imagine the distress of witnessing such a creature in peril!

This heartwarming tale features a courageous dog whose heroic actions not only saved a life but might also draw tears of joy and admiration from any animal lover.

During a morning stroll along Long Island Sound, Storm, a golden retriever, and his owner, Mark Freeley, encountered a fawn struggling in the choppy waters, hindered by strong winds and treacherous conditions. Realizing the fawn’s dire situation and knowing traditional rescue methods were futile, Storm instinctively leapt into action. He carefully grasped the fawn by the neck and heroically dragged her to safety onshore, where he vigilantly watched over her until help arrived.

As the Animal Rescue League of Long Island was called to the scene, the startled fawn made another dash for the water. Mark and Frank Florida from the Strong Island Animal Rescue League quickly intervened, embarking on a daring rescue mission. With Storm watching closely, they successfully retrieved the fawn using rope rescue techniques within eight minutes.

Once safe, the fawn was transported to a wildlife rehabilitation center. There, she received treatment for ticks and an eye injury. Thankfully, she is on the mend and showing signs of full recovery, a testament to the quick and compassionate response facilitated by Storm’s remarkable instincts.


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