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Bossy Husky Gets Furious When Owner Steals Her Spot

Bossy Husky Gets Furious When Owner Steals Her Spot

Nala the very stubborn white Siberian husky tries her best to reclaim “her” spot on the couch.


I am Nala, a very determined white Siberian husky. I love nothing more than lying on the couch, especially if there is a sunny spot to bask in. Alas, my humans often have the audacity to think that they can just sit on “my” couch. They don’t understand that it’s mine – I saw it first! I have to be very clever and quite cunning if I want to reclaim my rightful spot. First, I try to give them a pleading look with my big, blue eyes. If that doesn’t work, I’ll try to inch my way onto the couch next to them, gradually taking up more and more space until they’re forced to move. And if all else fails, I’ll simply lay down on top of them.



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