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A Courageous Mother Dog’s Plea for Help: Saving Her Puppies After Being Poisoned

A Courageous Mother Dog’s Plea for Help: Saving Her Puppies After Being Poisoned

“When we discovered Luna, my heart was torn apart…”

Luna, a mother dog, had recently given birth to a litter of six puppies and was searching for food when tragedy struck. In a cruel act, someone had placed poisoned food beneath a car. Desperate for nourishment, Luna unwittingly consumed the tainted food and became severely ill.

A young child stumbled upon Luna in this dire state. After ensuring the person responsible for leaving the poisoned food had left, the child urgently contacted the Prishtina Dog Shelter for help.

By the time the rescue team arrived, Luna was struggling to breathe yet managed to lift her head, making a heart-wrenching plea to save her puppies. The volunteers acted quickly, administering an emergency injection that ultimately saved her life.

Luna was then taken to the Prishtina Dog Shelter, where she was safely reunited with her puppies.

Despite her weakened condition and the need for rest, Luna showed signs of recovery. The following day, she was strong enough to receive her first vaccinations—an important step for her health and that of her puppies. Although nervous, Luna bravely handled the situation.

The puppies, still too young and immature for adoption, were checked by the veterinarian the morning after Luna’s treatment. Luna was overjoyed to see them thriving.

Her gentle demeanor confirmed that she was not a stray but a lost pet who had been abandoned.

Adding to her tale of maternal instinct, Luna also began caring for Nikita and another orphaned puppy found just a day before her rescue. She allowed these two additional puppies to nurse, despite them not being her biological offspring. Luna’s compassion highlights her extraordinary nature as a nurturing mother.

Isn’t she a remarkable mother?


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