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The Quest for a Forever Home: Barsik, the 41-Pound Cat

The Quest for a Forever Home: Barsik, the 41-Pound Cat

Meet Barsik, a 41-pound feline making significant waves as a hefty charmer in New York City. This robust kitty, comparable in weight to a medium-sized dog, is swiftly becoming a sensation on Instagram, already boasting over 6,000 followers. Soon, he’ll be on the lookout for a permanent home.

“Barsik might just be one of the largest cats alive today,” shared Barsik’s foster mom, Angelique Iuzzolino, in an interview with TODAY. “Initially, I shared his story on my personal account, but his increasing popularity inspired me to create a dedicated profile for him at @BigBarsik.”


Barsik’s journey from a shelter cat to a burgeoning celebrity unfolded within just a week. He was relinquished to the Animal Care Centers of New York City with his companion, the 13-pound Sukie, earlier this month. Subsequently, they were entrusted to Anjellicle Cats Rescue, a local non-profit organization dedicated to cat welfare.

That pivotal moment came when they were placed under the care of Iuzzolino, an experienced foster who specializes in preparing cats for their forever homes.

Due to his size, Barsik couldn’t be confined to a standard kennel at the shelter. “He’s so substantial that he is somewhat limited in how much he can control being handled in ways he dislikes,” Iuzzolino noted.

Upon learning that Barsik and Sukie had to be adopted together, Iuzzolino welcomed both into her home. It took some time for the cats to adjust, but they soon showed their sweet and loving natures.

“Barsik initially sought refuge under our bed when we introduced him to our bedroom,” recounted Iuzzolino. “After letting him settle for a few hours, we gently started to interact with him, which helped him relax.”


Now, Barsik has grown to trust his temporary guardians and shows great affection. He enjoys his life alongside his buddy, Sukie.

Looking ahead, Barsik will be ready for adoption once he’s on a vet-approved diet plan. The ideal home will be one that can adopt him along with Sukie, preferably in New York, New Jersey, or Connecticut.

“People are drawn to his unique appearance. They’re charmed by his ‘fat cat’ persona,” Iuzzolino commented. “He needs an owner committed to monitoring his health and supporting his weight loss in a responsible manner.”


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