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Peaceful Kitten Sleeping Like a Human Doing a Yoga Pose Soothes Internet

Peaceful Kitten Sleeping Like a Human Doing a Yoga Pose Soothes Internet

Are cats made of liquid? Sometimes it seems that way, especially when they adopt the “if I fits, I sits” rule. It’s always amusing to watch them sleep in their odd, contorted positions, showcasing their unique flexibility.

This time, a Redditor by the name of Hikari-Nogami posted four adorable photos of one of his kittens fast asleep. The pictures quickly went viral, not just for the kitten’s cuteness but for its surprisingly human-like sleeping position. The sight of this peaceful kitten could make anyone smile, especially those of us who treasure our weekend sleep-ins.

Kitten Sleeping Like a Human

Yoga Pose?
This little kitten, Mizuchi, has seemingly mastered the art of finding comfort in the strangest ways. At just 54 days old, Mizuchi has decided that sleeping like a human is the way to go. She sleeps on her back with her paws down by her side, looking like she’s in the Shavasana yoga pose—a position that symbolizes relaxation and calmness in yoga.

“I had just finished playing with her, and she fell asleep on the carpet,” Hikari-Nogami commented.

To add to the charm, Mizuchi crosses her tiny legs while sleeping, resembling a tiny yogi in her peaceful slumber.

Mizuchi’s Viral Moment

Mizuchi’s adorable, human-like sleeping pose has taken the internet by storm. Since the photos were shared, the post has received over 10,700 upvotes and hundreds of comments from fans who couldn’t get enough of her! One Reddit user joked, “Yeah, looks like a 9 to 5 job 😂,” while another added, “This is the kitty Shavasana pose done right.”

Others marveled at the trust Mizuchi’s pose symbolized, with one Reddit commenter saying, “If she’s exposing her belly like that, she must feel safe!” Another admirer chimed in, “How do you resist that fuzzy kitteh belly? I would be so tempted to just smush my entire face into it every chance I got.”

Hikari-Nogami later explained that while Mizuchi is a natural model, her brother, Chimizu, is “harder to take a photo of.”

Mizuchi’s Mama and Brother

In subsequent Reddit posts, fans were treated to more pictures of Mizuchi’s family, including her 4-year-old mama, Chia, and her brother, Chimizu.

Like his sister, Chimizu also enjoys unusual sleeping positions, proving that unique lounging runs in the family!

In one set of photos, Mizuchi can be seen sleeping under the covers or even awkwardly spilling out of a Tupperware container. It turns out, this little kitten can sleep anywhere and in any position!

Why Do Cats Sleep Like This?

Cats Have a Favorite Sleeping Position
Cats have their own unique sleeping positions, and how they sleep can reveal a lot about how they feel. For example, when a cat sleeps belly-up, it’s a sign they feel completely safe and happy. Since exposing their belly leaves them vulnerable, a cat lying like this shows total trust in their environment. It’s a testament to how comfortable Mizuchi feels in her new home.

If your cat tends to sleep curled up in a tight ball, it might mean they’re conserving heat or simply want some alone time. Cats in this position are usually signaling that they’d like to rest undisturbed. Likewise, when a cat hides under covers, it’s often a sign of introversion, comfort, or simply that they’re feeling cold and want to stay warm.

So, the next time you find your kitty in an odd sleeping position, remember—it’s not just about comfort, but a reflection of how safe and content they feel in their surroundings.

What about your cat? Do they have a favorite sleeping position that tells you more about their mood?


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