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Kitten Who Couldn’t Walk Discovers Feline Ways Through Elder Mentorship

Kitten Who Couldn’t Walk Discovers Feline Ways Through Elder Mentorship

Ah, little Finnegan, how I long to gently scratch your chin over and over again! Emerging from the compassionate care of Ellen Carozza LVT at Nova Cat Clinic and the Chris Griffey Memorial Feline Foundation, we meet another delightful kitten. Finnegan is quickly progressing towards becoming a strong and healthy addition to #teamscratchndent.

Just weeks old, Finnegan was brought to Ellen with a severe abscess behind his left ear, and he was struggling with neurological issues that prevented him from sitting or walking independently.

Speaking to Love Meow, Ellen shared, “For his birth date of January 3rd, he was incredibly small and notably unstable, unable to support himself.”

The dedicated team at Nova Cat Clinic immediately began treatment, administering antibiotics, providing nutritious meals and supplements, and offering abundant affection. Feeding Finnegan was particularly challenging as he couldn’t sit up to nurse from a bottle.

Big Bacteria for a Little Kitten Initially, the cause of Finn’s difficulties was a mystery. However, after analyzing a sample from the lump on his ear and conducting X-rays, the team diagnosed the issue.

“We identified the cause of his abscess as a Beta-hemolytic Streptococcus infection, likely transmitted from an infected mother, and confirmed that the antibiotics we were using were correct for his treatment,” the team reported.

As the antibiotics began to take effect, Finnegan found guidance and friendship in the clinic’s resident cats.

Big Kitties Love the Little Kitty Ellen’s own cat, Benedict, immediately took a liking to Finnegan, bestowing what Ellen affectionately calls a “Benny Blessing.”

“Benedict, the quintessential cat dad, bestowed his signature ‘blessings’ upon meeting Finn. Having older cats around that enjoy kittens significantly aids in teaching them essential cat behaviors,” Ellen explained.

Loki, another of Benny’s feline siblings, also took pleasure in spending time with Finnegan.

And learning to be a cat sometimes means dealing with the moods of other felines. Finnegan, however, managed these interactions well, playfully brandishing his tiny claws from his cozy nest.

“You don’t always need a mother cat to rear kittens,” Ellen noted, “sometimes, all it takes is a cat with a wonderful disposition and the patience to enjoy being around kittens.”

Stronger Every Day When Finnegan first arrived in Ellen’s care, he was frail and unwell, but “after a week, he began to improve, gradually managing to feed from a bottle, and now he’s eating eagerly.”

With his growing appetite came increased weight, and as kittens fill out, they also gain strength. Finnegan, a resilient little survivor, has started to walk and support himself.

In just a few weeks, Finnegan has made remarkable progress with the support of Ellen, her cats, and the clinic team.

“He has achieved incredible milestones already, and we are confident he will soon be walking and playing like any healthy kitten should. This is yet another example of stepping out of the conventional approach and treating these little patients innovatively, regardless of their size or age,” Ellen proudly shared on Instagram.

“Finnegan is the ONLY kitten I’ve ever cared for who prefers to roll over and sleep rather than wake to eat.”

And, embracing the joys of snuggling, Finnegan has recently found comfort in curling up inside Ellen’s jacket—a pleasure Ellen happily indulges, for who could resist such a charming kitten?


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