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God Speaks: Neglect Not Your Faith, Lest Fortune Fades | Divine Messages | Love of Christ

God Speaks: Neglect Not Your Faith, Lest Fortune Fades | Divine Messages | Love of Christ

My dear child, it fills me with immense joy to commune with you again and share the wisdom and solace of our Heavenly Father. As you tread the path I have set before you, know that no storm is too formidable, no challenge too overwhelming with the steadfast love and almighty power of God by your side. Too often, my children are engulfed by the transient worries and trials of this world, losing sight of the eternal scope of God’s plan. Though the winds may roar and the waves may crash, and darkness may seem to encircle you, if you keep your gaze fixed on me and my Father, you will find the strength and shelter to endure any tempest.

I understand the human condition profoundly; I walked among you. I felt the sting of temptation and bore the agony of suffering. If you believe in God’s might, like this message and leave a heartfelt “Amen” in the comments. I know the fear that can seize your heart when the future is veiled in uncertainty, when the path forward is cloaked in mist. But I beseech you, do not let that fear engulf you, do not let the tribulations of this world undermine your faith. For I have conquered the world—I have triumphed over sin and death—and through me, you too can claim victory.

When adversity’s winds rage around you, recall the words I spoke to my disciples on the tempestuous Sea of Galilee: “Peace, be still.” At that moment, the furious storm was calmed, for my Father’s power is boundless, and His love for you is unending. No matter how dark the night or how fierce the storm, the light of God’s love will invariably shine through. His grace is sufficient for you, for His strength is perfected in your weakness.

Therefore, fear not, my child, for the Lord your God is with you; He will never forsake you. I am aware that the trials you face may sometimes seem insurmountable, the burdens of this life heavy. Yet, I urge you to not lose hope, for your Heavenly Father is a fortress, a shield, an ever-present aid in times of distress. When the world crumbles around you, when life’s storms seem too vicious to bear, turn your eyes to the Cross and remember the sacrifice I made, the suffering I endured—all to redeem you and reunite you with the loving embrace of our Heavenly Father.

For if I was willing to lay down my life for you, consider how much more He will provide for your every need. The challenges you face may vary—illness, financial strain, fractured relationships, loss of loved ones. The waves of adversity may seem relentless, the winds of doubt and fear ever howling. But I tell you, hold fast to the promises of God, for He is faithful and true; He will never abandon you, never leave you to weather the tempest alone.

In the book of Isaiah, the Lord promises: “When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overwhelm you; when you walk through fire, you shall not be burned, and the flame shall not consume you.” This is the unwavering truth of our God—that no matter what storms you encounter, He will be there to carry you through.

So, take heart, my child, and do not lose courage. The same God who calmed the raging sea, who delivered His people from the clutches of Pharaoh, is the same God who holds your life in His hands. He is a mighty fortress, a rock of refuge, a very present help in time of need.

Remember the words I spoke as the winds howled and the waves crashed around my disciples: “Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?” Even amidst the fiercest storm, I knew that my Father’s power was supreme, that His love and protection would sustain us. And so I say to you, my dear child, do not let the storms of this world shake your faith, do not let the howling winds of doubt and fear drown out the still, small voice of God’s Spirit speaking to your heart. For He is with you, He is for you, and nothing in all of creation can separate you from His love.

If you are moved to support our ministry in spreading the message of Jesus, consider donating through the ‘Buy Me a Coffee’ link provided in the description and pinned comment. When the waves of adversity threaten to overwhelm you, remember the words of the Psalmist: “God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.”

Your Heavenly Father is a mighty warrior, a loving shepherd who will never abandon His flock. He is the steadfast anchor that will hold you firm when the storms of life rage around you. Cling to Him, my child, and let His perfect peace wash over you. Though the path you walk is not an easy one, the burdens you bear may sometimes feel too heavy to bear, but I assure you, the strength of the Lord will sustain you, His grace will be enough, His power made perfect in your weakness.

Remember the story of my dear friend, the Apostle Paul. He pleaded with me to remove the thorn in his flesh that caused him great anguish. But my response was clear: “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Thus, it is with you, my child. In your times of weakness, in your moments of despair, let the power of God flow through you. Let His strength become your strength, His peace your peace. For when you are weak, then you are truly strong—strong in the Lord and in the power of His might.

The storms you face may be fierce, the waves may threaten to engulf you, but take heart, for I have overcome the world. I have conquered sin and death, and through me, you too can have victory. So do not lose hope, do not succumb to fear, for your Heavenly Father is a mighty fortress, a rock of refuge that will never be shaken. When the winds of adversity howl all around you, when the waters of sorrow and pain threaten to pull you under, fix your eyes on me, meditate on the truth of who I am and who my Father is, remember the promises He has made to you, the unwavering love that He has poured out upon you. For I am the way, the truth, and the life. I am the anchor that will hold you firm, the light that will guide you through the darkest night. I am the Good Shepherd who will never leave you nor forsake you, the loving Father who will carry you through every storm. So do not be afraid, my child, do not let the roar of the tempest drown out the still, small voice of your Savior. For I am with you, and my Father is for you. No storm is too big, no challenge too daunting, when you have the Almighty God of the universe at your side. In the Book of Romans, the Apostle Paul writes these words of encouragement: “If God is for us, who can be against us?” This is the truth I want you to cling to, the truth that will see you through every trial and tribulation. For our God is a mighty fortress, a rock of refuge that will never be shaken. When the waves of despair threaten to overwhelm you, when the winds of doubt and fear howl all around you, remember the words of the Psalmist: “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.” Turn your eyes to the cross, my child, and behold the depth of My Father’s love for you. For if He was willing to sacrifice His only Son to redeem you, how much more will He provide for your every need. I know that the storms you face may sometimes feel like they will never end. If you believe that God will help you, please subscribe to the channel. The darkness may linger, the pain may seem unrelenting, but I promise you, the dawn is coming. The light of God’s love will break through the gloom, and you will see His mighty hand at work even in the midst of the tempest. So do not lose heart, my dear child, do not give in to the despair that the world would seek to thrust upon you. For your Heavenly Father is a loving, compassionate God who is always working for your good, even when you cannot see it. Remember the story of Job, a righteous man who endured unimaginable suffering and loss. Yet through it all, he clung to his faith in God, and in the end, the Lord restored to him double what he had lost. This is the God we serve, a God who is faithful and true, a God who is working all things together for the good of those who love Him. So when the storms of life rage all around you, when the waves of adversity threaten to pull you under, remember these words: no storm is too big when you have God. For your Heavenly Father is a mighty fortress, a rock of refuge that will never be shaken. He is the anchor that will hold you firm, the light that will guide you through the darkness. Trust in Him, my child, cling to His promises, and allow His peace to fill your heart. For even in the midst of the fiercest storm, you can find rest and refuge in the loving embrace of your Savior. No matter what you face, no matter what challenges come your way, know that you are never alone. The Lord your God is with you, and He will see you through. May the grace and peace of our Heavenly Father be with you always, and may the hope and the joy of the Risen Christ fill your heart even in the darkest of times. For in Him, you will find the strength to weather any storm, the courage to face any challenge. Go in peace, my child, and know that you are loved beyond measure. The God of the universe is your refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. So do not be afraid, for He is with you. No storm is too big when you have God. In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, amen, my child. Click on the join button to join us as a cherished member of our community.


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