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Found Scuttling Around in a Garage, the Kitten Chooses to Nestle Up Against the Woman’s Neck and Start to Build Trust.

Found Scuttling Around in a Garage, the Kitten Chooses to Nestle Up Against the Woman’s Neck and Start to Build Trust.

A kitten was discovered darting around a garage, choosing to snuggle into a woman’s neck and begin to build trust.

Man Takes Work Break and Returns with a Kitten

A man encountered a homeless kitten meowing alone outside. Little did he know, his life was about to change.

Two Sweet Kittens Communicate Through Purr Meows

It was a beautiful autumn day last year when Marijana had a surprise encounter with a small kitten while relaxing on her parents’ porch. Suddenly, she heard what sounded like a cat.

“I realized the noise was coming from the garage, so I went to the entrance, and I saw this little white ball of fur run and hide,” Marijana told Love Meow. “I tried to catch him, but he just kept hiding behind various objects in the garage.”

The kitten was panicked and elusive, but Marijana discovered that mimicking cat sounds drew him closer. “I found a YouTube video of cats meowing and played it on repeat while I hid outside the door.”


Gradually, the kitten ventured from his hiding spot to the entrance. When he was picked up, he initially thrashed around, scratching his rescuer, before realizing he was safe.

After being fed in the kitchen, the kitten’s demeanor changed significantly. “I won his trust with some pâté, and he climbed all over me. I had never met a more affectionate cat.”

He Crawled Up His Rescuer and Decided to Curl Around Her Neck

The kitten needed a foster home, so with her friend Alison’s help, Marijana contacted Erica Ciccarone, a journalist volunteering for Nashville Cat Rescue at the time.

Once placed in a carrier, the tiny kitten screamed loudly. Erica lovingly named him Moon Pie. “His round face and the fleas covering him reminded me of the moon,” Erica shared with Love Meow.

Erica Ciccarone

“My priority was helping him gain weight. I always quarantine new fosters for two weeks before they can mingle with other animals. Moon Pie had an upper respiratory infection, so he stayed in my bedroom longer than anticipated.”

As Moon Pie adjusted to indoor life, his personality blossomed. He demanded constant attention and disliked any personal space. His favorite activity was snuggling up against Erica’s neck.

Moon Pie Cuddled Up on Erica, In His Favorite Napping Spot

“He quickly showed himself to be a tiny maniac. If I put him in an enclosed playpen, he shrieked. If I left the room, he also shrieked. He ran around day and night and attacked my face while I slept. Yet, he was forgiven each time he snuggled into my shoulder.”

Watch Moon Pie the kitten in this cute video:

Mooп Pie the kitteпwww.yoυtυ

Erica focused on helping him gain weight and kept him quarantined from other animals due to an upper respiratory infection. “Moon Pie needed to be isolated in my bedroom longer than usual,” Erica noted.

As Moon Pie adjusted to indoor life, his personality shone through. He constantly sought attention and loved snuggling against Erica’s neck. “He’s a little bundle of energy, always running around and demanding cuddles,” Erica laughed.

Moon Pie loved being around Erica and their resident cat, Jasper, who helped calm his spirited antics. “They quickly became friends, grooming and playing together,” Erica observed.

Once Moon Pie was healthy, Erica introduced him to playful activities, which included his favorite crinkle ball and a floppy fish toy.

When it was time to find him a permanent home, a wonderful family was ready to adopt him. Heather, who had been following Moon Pie’s journey, immediately fell in love.

“Moon Pie settled right into the carrier when Heather and John came to pick him up. He was ready for his new adventure in the hills of Tennessee,” Erica recounted.

Now fully grown, Moon Pie enjoys lounging in the sunlight and playing with his feline brother, Charlie. “His white fur gleams, and he brings joy to us every day,” Heather said.

Erica plans to help Moon Pie’s feral mother by having her spayed to prevent further litters. “Rescuing Moon Pie was a group effort that brought us all together,” she added.

Share this heartwarming tale with your friends and follow Erica’s foster kittens on Instagram @scrambles_foster_cats.



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