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Dog Abandoned At A Parking Lot Spends Weeks There Waiting For Her Family

Dog Abandoned At A Parking Lot Spends Weeks There Waiting For Her Family

In Southern California, a heart-wrenching tale unfolds around a small gray-and-white dog discovered in a school parking lot nestled near the school’s shrubbery.

Refusing to vacate the spot where her family left her, she remained, evading assistance from passersby, holding out hope for their return.

Weeks drifted by, yet no one laid claim to her, leaving her stranded in solitude, unaware that her former owners had forsaken her…

Persistent Little Pooch Remains Loyal, Awaiting Her Humans’ Return

For fifteen consecutive days, undeterred by the absence of her family, this steadfast little dog remained rooted to the school parking lot shrubs, resolute in her vigil for their return.

Despite numerous attempts to aid her, including online pleas for her family’s discovery, she remained unclaimed. Even direct approaches were met with evasion until Suzette Hall intervened.

Suzette Ensures the Dog’s Fresh Start

Suzette, the founder of Logan’s Legacy animal rescue in Irvine, California, upon hearing of the dog’s plight, resolved to offer assistance. She personally scoured the school grounds to locate the canine.

“For 15 days, she lingered, from dawn till dusk and through the night. Neighbors endeavored to help, but her fearfulness thwarted their efforts. She held steadfast, convinced they would return. Such loyalty,” Suzette recounted.

Given her extreme timidity, Suzette opted to employ a humane trap baited with a hot dog, a choice that proved effective despite the pup’s decent sustenance from kibble.

Once captured, the frightened dog eventually relaxed, finding solace in slumber within Suzette’s vehicle. Henceforth, she was christened “Scarlet”.

Transported to Camino Pet Hospital in Irvine, California, for a thorough examination, Scarlet received requisite care and was deemed fit for a new foster environment. Subsequently, she found herself in Suzette’s care, placed within a foster family alongside several canine companions.

Scarlet Seeks a Forever Home

Although content in her new foster setting, Scarlet yearns for a permanent family. Affable and sociable, she effortlessly befriends all she encounters.

Her transition to a new household promises to be seamless, given her inherently gentle disposition and superb social acumen!

Suzette imposes but one condition upon prospective adopters of Scarlet – an unwavering commitment to never abandon her again!

Another instance of abandonment beneath a tree is unthinkable, and Suzette ardently hopes Scarlet will finally experience the true essence of love. May little Scarlet find her perfect forever home without delay!


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