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Divine Assurance: Without Faith, Fortune Fades | God’s Message Through Jesus | Embracing Jesus’ Love

Divine Assurance: Without Faith, Fortune Fades | God’s Message Through Jesus | Embracing Jesus’ Love

My beloved child, it fills me with immense joy to communicate with you again, sharing the wisdom and solace of our Heavenly Father. As you traverse the path I have set before you, be assured that no storm is too formidable, no challenge too overwhelming, with the unwavering love and omnipotent power of God by your side. It is all too common for my children to be engulfed by the anxieties and trials of this mortal life, losing focus on the eternal scope of God’s plan. The winds may roar, the waves may surge, and darkness may surround you, but if you steadfastly fix your gaze upon me and my Father, you will discover the strength and refuge needed to endure any tempest.

I intimately understand the human condition; I lived among you. I experienced the sharp bite of temptation and endured the agony of suffering. If you believe in God, affirm your faith by liking this video and leaving a heartfelt “Amen” in the comments. I am familiar with the fear that can seize your heart when the future appears uncertain and the path forward is veiled in mist. However, I implore you, do not let this fear overwhelm you; do not let the troubles of this world shake your foundational faith, for I have triumphed over the world. I have vanquished sin and death, and through me, you too can achieve victory.

When adversarial winds howl around you, recall the words I spoke to my disciples on the stormy Sea of Galilee: “Peace, be still.” At that moment, the tumultuous tempest calmed, for my Father’s power is supreme, and His love for you is boundless. Regardless of the darkness of the night or the severity of the storm, the light of God’s love will invariably pierce through. His grace is enough for you; His strength is perfected in your weakness.

Therefore, fear not, my child, for the Lord your God is with you; He will neither leave nor forsake you. I understand that the trials you face may at times feel insurmountable, and the burdens of life can weigh heavily upon you. The waves of doubt and despair may seem overpowering, but I urge you not to lose hope. Your Heavenly Father is a fortress, a shield, an ever-present aid in times of distress.

When the world crumbles around you, when life’s storms seem too fierce to bear, direct your eyes to the Cross. Remember the sacrifice I made, the suffering I endured—all for the purpose of redeeming you and restoring you to the loving embrace of our Heavenly Father. If I was willing to lay down my life for you, how much more will He provide for your every need?

The storms of life—be it illness, financial hardship, fractured relationships, or the loss of loved ones—may appear relentless. The winds of doubt and fear may scream around you, but I tell you: have faith. Cling to the promises of God, for He is faithful and true. He will never abandon you; He will never leave you to face the tempest alone.

In the Book of Isaiah, the Lord declares, “When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overwhelm you. When you walk through fire, you shall not be burned, and the flame shall not consume you.” This is the steadfast truth of our God: no matter the storms you face, He will carry you through.

So take heart, my child, and do not lose courage. The same God who calmed the raging sea, who delivered His people from the clutches of Pharaoh, is the same God who holds your life in His hand. He is a mighty fortress, a rock of refuge, a very present help in times of need.

When you feel overwhelmed by life’s adversities, when sorrow and pain seem unending, fix your eyes on me. Meditate on the truth of who I am and who my Father is. Remember the promises He has made to you, the unwavering love He has poured out upon you. For I am the way, the truth, and the life. I am the anchor that will hold you steady, the light that will guide you through the darkest night.

I am the Good Shepherd who will never leave you nor forsake you, the loving Father who will guide you through every storm. So do not be afraid, my child. Do not let the roar of the tempest drown out the still, small voice of your Savior, for I am with you, and my Father is for you.

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