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Alabama Mother Covered in Thousands of Tumors Hesitant to Remove Them

Alabama Mother Covered in Thousands of Tumors Hesitant to Remove Them

Throughout her life, an Alabama woman has endured the stares and whispers of others due to the countless tumors that adorn her body. However, she hesitates to undergo surgery to remove them, fearing that they may return more aggressively.

Ashley Jernigan, 35, grapples with an unspecified form of neurofibromatosis, a congenital condition that triggers the growth of tumors along nerves. Consequently, she is encased in thousands of small, pebble-like growths that cause her immense pain, to the extent that she cannot even wear shoes.

The unfortunate condition has subjected Jernigan to frequent bullying. “When I go out, people stare and make rude gestures,” she disclosed to Caters News Agency, emphasizing the resilience required to withstand such treatment. Additionally, she recounted instances of false claims suggesting that the condition is contagious.

The impact extends beyond social interactions, affecting her romantic life as well. Jernigan admits that she refrains from dating due to the fear of judgment, asserting that it would necessitate a resilient partner who could see beyond her condition.

Despite the adversity, Jernigan remains reluctant to undergo surgery to remove the tumors, citing previous experiences where they returned even larger. Moreover, while the growths are benign, there is a looming risk of them developing into cancer, prompting her to remain vigilant. Tragically, her own mother, who also battled neurofibromatosis, succumbed to the condition at the age of 25.

Despite medical advice cautioning against childbirth, Jernigan defied the recommendations and gave birth to four children. Regrettably, this decision exacerbated her condition, leading to a worsening of her symptoms. To compound matters, her eldest son, Darnell, is already displaying signs of neurofibromatosis, intensifying Jernigan’s fears for her family’s future.

The distressing prospect of her children inheriting the condition weighs heavily on Jernigan, to the point where she is reluctant to have them tested. “I worry about the future, but I try not to think about it because it’s depressing,” she lamented.


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